Estate Planning With Adult Children

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When you’re deciding on your estate plans, there are different things to think about. If your children are young, you’ll want to include things like a guardian designation. On the other hand, when your children are grown, there are topics and details that may be best discussed without them present, but the basics of which may be appropriate to communicate prior to your passing. Robinson & Casey have years of estate planning experience while managing multi generational assets, probate, wills, and trusts. Contact us if you have any questions.

Our Estate Planning Attorney Considers Your Transition Carefully

What we suggest is that you and your spouse openly talk about your respective plans and make decisions together. Consider that we’re trying to help simplify a difficult transition by maintaining both the family’s assets and the important relationships within the family system.

This means creating an environment where there is less disagreement and the family understands the purpose and attempted fairness of the plan.

My idea of family includes your spouse, children, whether biological, adopted, or stepchildren, and maybe even parents, siblings, nieces, and nephews. By making a plan that considers the whole family and all of its intricacies, it’s then easier to leave a lasting legacy to your family while also reducing disagreement and family strain. Having these important conversations with your family can be difficult, but it can benefit your family and you can personally instill the importance of your intentions instead of leaving that responsibility to the court or trustee.

Hire Our Estate Planning Attorneys in West Palm Beach, FL

We’re not suggesting that you must include your family in all of the discussions or that you cannot consult us independently for advice, but I do advise that you include your spouse in the decisions and consider what information is important for your family to know. I believe this will help to reduce the chances of an estate contest and that your family relationships can remain strong for years to come.

2022-07-01T15:41:34+00:00April 14th, 2020|Estate Plan|

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