How can you establish guardianship in Jacksonville?
Supporting Family Members in Crisis
Guardianship is an effective legal measure for safeguarding the rights and welfare of individuals who face challenges in independent decision-making due to mental or physical impairments, enhancing their overall life quality.
In Florida, guardianship regulations are specified in Fla. Stat. § 744.3678, focusing on the court’s role in designating guardians for individuals who need assistance in managing their affairs, whether minors or adults with disabilities, ensuring their legal protection.
In Florida, establishing guardianship requires a court petition to appoint a guardian for those unable to handle their personal, financial, or healthcare matters independently.
Guardianships are adapted to individual needs. They range from overseeing minors’ assets until adulthood to managing various aspects of life for adults with mental or physical impairments, or seniors needing extra support.

Types of Guardianship
- Personal Guardian: This guardian is responsible for the ward’s personal care, including health and living conditions.
- Property Guardian: This role involves overseeing the ward’s financial interests.
- Restricted Guardianship: Applied when an individual retains some decision-making abilities, allowing them to maintain control over certain areas while receiving assistance in others.
Guardianship Application Process
The process begins with filing a petition in court, detailing the incapacitated person’s situation and suggesting suitable guardians. The court might assign a lawyer to represent the individual. Following this, a court-appointed evaluator assesses the person’s capacity, culminating in a judicial hearing to determine the need for guardianship.
What Duties does a Guardian have?
Guardians significantly influence the lives of those they care for, making essential decisions and regularly reporting to the court for accountability.
We’re Dedicated to Safeguarding Your Family
Our legal team is committed to providing guardianship solutions to protect family members who struggle with decision-making. Our Jacksonville guardianship attorneys are ready to assist in safeguarding the welfare of your loved ones, whether minors or adults.
Professional Legal Assistance for Guardianship Cases
Our Jacksonville guardianship attorneys are well versed in Florida’s guardianship laws and provide comprehensive guidance through these intricate processes, always prioritizing the rights and well-being of those involved.