Guardianship Lawyer in Boca Raton
Safeguarding Your Loved Ones with Compassion and Expertise
Guardianship is a legal process that protects individuals who can’t make their own decisions due to mental or physical limitations. Whether it’s a minor needing someone to manage their assets or an adult with a disability, the court steps in to safeguard their rights. This involves appointing a guardian, whose duties and powers are determined by the court (Fla. Stat. § 744.3678).
Robinson and Casey’s skilled trial attorneys have helped many South Florida families facing the emotional challenges of establishing guardianship. If you’re dealing with the self-neglect, decompensation, or inability to provide self-care of a loved one, we can guide you in deciding if guardianship is the right step. We also assist in connecting clients with local agencies dedicated to protecting vulnerable individuals. Our compassionate team will support you at every stage of the guardianship process, ensuring the best outcome for your loved one.
At Robinson and Casey, we understand that the decision to seek guardianship for a loved one can be an emotional and challenging journey. Our dedicated team in Boca Raton is here to guide you through this intricate process, providing the compassionate support and legal expertise your family needs.

Why Guardianship Matters in Boca Raton
Guardianship in Boca Raton is a vital legal avenue designed to protect individuals facing functional limitations, ensuring their rights are upheld when decision-making becomes challenging. Boca Raton, like many communities, encounters situations where adults or minors require assistance due to physical or mental impairments. In such cases, establishing guardianship becomes crucial to secure their well-being and assets.
The Robinson and Casey Approach: Your Emergency is Our Emergency!
Our experienced trial attorneys have been an integral part of numerous South Florida families’ journeys, helping them navigate the intricacies of establishing guardianship for their loved ones. We understand the emotional toll this process can take, and that’s why we bring not just legal expertise but a unique understanding of behavioral health issues to the table.
From behavioral health concerns to emergency medical care needs, we treat urgent matters with the urgency they demand. At Robinson and Casey, we stand by our commitment – Your Emergency is Our Emergency! Our attorneys and staff are here to hold your hand and guide you toward securing quality healthcare services for your loved ones in need.
Guardianship in Boca Raton: How It Works
Guardianship involves a legal relationship between the appointed guardian and the ward, the individual facing functional limitations. This process is subject to court oversight, ensuring the best interests of the ward are prioritized. In Boca Raton, the process of establishing guardianship can be emotionally challenging but is typically completed within 90 days for uncontested cases. Our experienced attorneys assist in every step, from filing the initial petition to navigating medical evaluations and presenting evidence at the Adjudicatory Hearing.
Types of Guardianship in Florida
In Florida, guardianship is a versatile legal tool designed to meet the specific needs of individuals who may require assistance in different aspects of their lives. Understanding the types of guardianship is crucial in navigating the legal landscape. Here are the key types:
Guardianship for Adults
In situations where an adult is unable to make decisions independently, the Court may appoint an adult guardianship, designating a single decision-maker. One example of this is when an adult child assumes the role of a guardian for their incapacitated parent. The responsibilities of an adult guardian can encompass guardianship of the person, guardianship of property, or often, a combination of both.
- Guardian of the Person: A Guardian of the Person is appointed to make decisions about the personal aspects of an individual’s life, such as healthcare, living arrangements, and overall well-being.
- Guardian of Property: A Guardian of Property is tasked with managing the financial affairs and assets of an individual. This includes handling income, paying bills, and making financial decisions on behalf of the ward.
Guardianship for Minors
Minor guardianships come into play when biological parents are deceased, incapacitated, or incapable of adequately parenting a child. For instance, if parents are considered “unfit” due to substance abuse problems or cognitive impairments, having a legal guardian is in the best interest of the minor’s welfare. In such instances, the Court appoints a legal guardian responsible for decisions regarding the child’s education, health, residence, and other vital matters. Florida law mandates the appointment of a guardian of property if a minor inherits $15,000 or more.
Emergency Temporary Guardian
An Emergency Temporary Guardian is appointed when there is imminent danger to an individual’s well-being or their property. This temporary authority is crucial in urgent situations.
To name an emergency temporary guardian, the court must identify immediate threats to the person’s physical or mental well-being or property. The temporary guardian’s authority lasts for ninety (90) days or until a permanent guardian is appointed, whichever comes first. The emergency temporary guardian’s authority can be extended for an additional ninety (90) days if the emergency condition persists.
Understanding these different types of guardianship allows individuals and families to choose the most appropriate form based on their unique circumstances. Consulting with an experienced guardianship attorney can provide valuable insights and guidance in determining the most suitable guardianship arrangement.
How a Guardianship Attorney in Boca Raton Can Help
Our guardianship attorneys in Boca Raton play a pivotal role in advocating for your loved one. From ensuring the accurate filing of petitions to representing the alleged incapacitated person during the process, we provide unwavering support. We collaborate with clinical and medical specialists, making sure your loved one receives immediate care while moving toward a long-term solution.
Contact Robinson and Casey Today for Guardianship Assistance
If you’re considering guardianship for a loved one in Boca Raton, reach out to Robinson and Casey. Our attorneys are ready to provide the compassionate guidance and legal support your family needs during this challenging time.