What Is A Healthcare Surrogate Designation, And Do I Need One?


Let’s be honest, there’s no way to know what the future holds. If you can’t make medical decisions, who would you want to make them for you? That’s what a surrogate does in this situation. Who do you trust with your life? By designating a person (Healthcare Surrogate Designation) to be in charge of your care, they’ll work with your doctor on your behalf.

Imagine you’re in a critical situation and nobody has been placed in charge of your care. One person might feel strongly about a certain procedure they feel would help, while another might think it’s a mistake. What happens when you don’t have a healthcare surrogate designation? Honestly? It can get ugly and end up in court as your family fights for guardianship and the ability to make your healthcare choices.

All of this can be avoided by thinking and planning ahead with a Healthcare Surrogate Designation. With a trusted attorney, you can create a document that states your wishes, and designates the person you trust the most with your life and medical decisions. All it takes is a phone call to get started. Contact Robinson & Casey Law today, let us give you and your family peace of mind.

2023-07-03T18:59:52+00:00April 10th, 2020|Estate Plan, Uncategorized|

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