Do You Have A Living Will? It Is Not The Same As Your Last Will And Testament

What is a living will?

A living will is a way you can have your voice heard when you’re are in dire circumstances. This document is created so that when you can’t speak for yourself, your medical wishes have been previously determined.

Consider this, if you’re unconscious, you’ll still have a say in your medical care when you have a living will. It can be extremely stressful for your family if they don’t know what your wishes are when it comes to things such as feeding tubes, resuscitation, life support, or brain damage. There are other scenarios that could come into play.

living will with pills and eyeglasses


By creating a living will, you’re stating ahead of time, while you’re in a good state of mind, what your wishes are in these types of life-threatening emergencies.

Not only is this a confusing time for your family, each member might have different opinions about what they should do in these medical situations. With a living will, you’ve chosen what path you want your medical team and family to follow.

In a case like a terminal illness, you have a say in things that matter to you. Things like experimental drugs, heroic life saving efforts, or hospice care. Nobody plans for these scary situations, but by planning ahead, you’ll have made choices that you feel strongly about.


Whether it’s a will, revocable living trust, retirement benefits trust, irrevocable trust, special needs trusts, durable power of attorney or healthcare directives – Robinson & Casey, PLLC can help create a plan that will accomplish your goals.



2024-09-23T19:20:49+00:00April 9th, 2020|Uncategorized|

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