It’s Your Legacy

How can I have better control over my final wishes?

There are different variations of each document. It’s my job to make sure we go through your details so that your legacy passes on as you planned.

What you might not be aware of is that by choosing an attorney that you trust, you’re making sure that your wishes are protected and that your property transfers as you wanted.

Also, there are nuances you’ll need to know about, like what percentage of your estate needs to go to your spouse. When you don’t know the rules of your state, your final wishes may not be distributed as you’d planned, because of a small detail that you aren’t aware of.

That’s why we always recommend choosing an attorney when it comes to something as important as estate planning. Don’t let your lack of knowledge change your plans, simply because you didn’t know a small detail like this. Let Robinson & Casey, PLLC help you settle your estate and take the stress out of knowing those tiny details that can cause big ramifications.

2022-07-05T14:40:09+00:00April 9th, 2020|Uncategorized|

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