Should I Have My Entire Family Do Estate Planning? Things To Consider.

I think it’s important to make sure that your whole family has an estate plan in place. An estate plan will differ depending on if it’s simply you and your spouse or if you have children, and the age of your kids. Your children may not need wills done while they’re young, but it is always important to consider your entire family in the estate planning process. Consider, how an unexpected medical situation may impact you or your family’s ability to respond in an emergency.

How will you protect each of them if something happens to you? How will you respond if something happens to your adult children or spouse? Will you have the right documents in place?

With minor children, you’ll need to include a guardian designation. Who will take care of your children if both parents pass away? You want a trusted person that will be there for your kids. For your spouse and adult children, make sure they have the proper Advanced Directives in place so a trusted designee can make medical decisions on their behalf immediately. As tragic as it sounds, all it takes is one bad car accident, so please don’t wait to take care of these vital documents.

Rather than calling to request an estate plan for yourself, consider asking, “how should I approach estate planning?” Especially, if I have a family. Also, consider not only thinking about your family, consider talking about it as a family. Make these important decisions together so everyone is aligned to respond as a unit and take care of one another.

I also can’t emphasize enough how important this is for healthcare workers, firefighters, police officers and members of the military. Call us today for a free consultation to discuss all of the ways you can protect your entire family.

2023-07-03T18:58:24+00:00April 14th, 2020|Advanced Directives, Estate Plan|

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